Course: Learning GO

A collection of go basic fundamentals, syntax and concepts.

Table of contents

Lesson: Variables

Defining variables


  • Data types goes after indetifier
  • Variables have nil by default
  • Constants can only be bool,string or numbers
  • Strings uses double quotes
var x int
var name string
var price = 2 // type is taken from value

const y = 2

var z int = 2

var text string
text = "Hello!"

Variable initialization shortcut

It only works inside functions.
Type is taken from the value.

otherText := "Bye!"

Variable scopes

  • Global
  • Function
  • Block

Immutable and Constant

We can set value of an immutable in runtime.
Value of contants are set in compilation time.

Built-in Data Types

  • string
  • integer values: int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16,uint32,uint64
  • floating point values: float32, float64
  • bool

Boolean operators:

==, !=, <, >, >=,<=,&&,||,!

We can work with pointers!