Course: Learning GO

A collection of go basic fundamentals, syntax and concepts.

Table of contents

Lesson: Functions


  • Similar to other languages
  • It can receive arguments
  • Arguments can have default values
  • The last argument can be of variable length

The tricky part

- Functions can return more than one value (at once)
- Functions can return labeled variables
- Functions receive arguments always by value
func add(a int, b int) int {
    return a+b;

func addAndSubstract(a int,b int)(int,int){
    return a+b,a-b

addition, substraction := addAndSubstract(4,2)
_, substraction := addAndSubstract(4,2)
addition, _ := addAndSubstract(4,2)

Functions receiving references

One package one main()

func birthday(age *int){
    age = *age + 1

func main(){
    age := 22

Functin Curiosity

  • panic("Message!") // It will close your app
  • defer fmt.Println("bye") // It will delay execution to the end. It uses stack data structure
  • init() //

Errors Design Pattern

We don’t have exceptions in GO, this is the typical design pattern when an action may trigger an error.