Course: Learning GO

A collection of go basic fundamentals, syntax and concepts.

Table of contents

Lesson: Control Structure

Control Structure

  • if - else

    if user != nil{
    } else {
    if message := "hello"; user != nil{
        // message is only available inside the if and else
    } else {
  • switch(reloaded!)
    This is a simple switch operation. No break is needed; you can fallthrough to the next case, though

    switch day{
        case "Monday":
            fmt.Println("It is Monday")
        case "Saturday":
        case "Sunday":
            fmt.Println("This is sunday")
            fmt.Println("It is another working day")

    Switch with condition
    It can replace large ifs

    switch {
        case user == nil:
        case == false:
        case user.deleted == true:
  • for

    for i:=0; i<len(collection); i++{
    // For range, similar to "for in" in JS
    for index:=range collection {
    // For range, similar to "foreach"
    for key, value := range map {

    We can emulate a while by using a boolean expression

    endOfGame := false
    for endOfGame {
        // process Game Loop
    for count < 10 {
        count += 1;
    for {
        // Infinite loop
  • There is no while or do-while

  • No parenthesis are needed for boolean conditions or values

  • Only one type of equality operators ==

  • Other operators != < > <= >=