Course: Learning GO

A collection of go basic fundamentals, syntax and concepts.

Table of contents

Lesson: Basics

Basic Rules

  • We use .go files
  • Code Blocks in {}
  • No styling freedom
  • We do have semi-colon to separate sentences
  • Case-sensitive
  • Strongly typed
  • NOT and object-oriented language
  • No classes, no exceptions
  • We have on file acting as the entry point with a main function
  • A folder is a package
  • Packages can have simple names or URLS(
  • Within one go file, we can have
    • Variables
    • Functions
    • Type declarations
    • Method declarations

Modules and CLI

  • A module is a group of packages
  • It’s our project
  • It contains a go.mod file with configuration and metadata
  • CLI manipulates the module
    • go mod init
    • go build
    • go run
    • go test
    • go get

Create a GO module

go mod init

This will create a go.mod file inside the folder with bellow contents


go 1.21.3

To run the module we run

go run .

It will scan the folder and look for a file main.go and a function named main

Workspaces and CLI

  • A workspace is a new kind of multi-module app concept from 1.18

  • It contains a file with configuration and metadata including whick module to use

  • CLI manipulates the workspace

    • go work init