Course: Learning GO

A collection of go basic fundamentals, syntax and concepts.

Table of contents

Lesson: Basics

GO for web developers

  • Web Assembly
    Usefull for mixing it with JavaScript and front-end
  • Transpile to JS
    To write your frontend code directly in GO
  • Web Server
    Serve fils and HTML including a template service
  • Wer Services
    RESTful APIs or Microservices

GO Templates

  • HTML file with GO code
  • it’s in the html/package package
  • The template can include expressions in {
  • Trimming spaces available
  • Actions and pipelines
  • if-else conditions
  • range for loops
  • You can call functions

Basic GO template system

we create first a template and then execute it to replace the parameters

import "html/template"

type Person struct {
    Name string

func main() {
    t := template.New("my-template").Parse(`
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title> My website </title>
        <h1> My Website {{.name}}</h1>

person := Person{name:"John"}
output,err := t.ExecuteToString(person)

Final Steps


  • Compiling the project - go build .
  • Compiling in one specific output folder go build . -o build/
  • Compiling for other platforms and OSs
    env GOOS=target-OS
        GOARCH=target-architecture go build .
  • Compile and install - go install .


  • GO just produces a binary
  • It doesnt provide any packaging solutions
  • If we want to embed assests for an app, we need to use third-pary or OSs tools such as:
    • Creating installers for windows
    • Create a DMG package for macOS